Make Fraction Make Fraction enables you to format fractions automatically. Make Fraction is only available when the text insertion point is between or to the immediate right of characters that can be converted into a fraction (a/b, 1/2, 13/16, etc.) or when any or all of these characters are highlighted. To convert characters into a fraction: 1. Highlight the characters you want to convert. 2. Choose Style ’ Type Style ’ Make Fraction.   NOTE: When you highlight a range of characters and apply Make Fraction, only the highlighted characters are transformed. If you leave the cursor to the right of the value, the entire value will be transformed. For instance:  and   The characters will be converted according to the formatting specified in the Fraction/Price Preferences (Edit ’ Preferences ’ Fraction/Price) dialog box. Within the Fraction area of the dialog box, the fields in the Numerator, Slash, and Denominator sections allow you to specify the size, spacing, and placement of the fraction components. See the chapter, “Fraction/Price Preferences.”